Monday, November 6, 2017 PKIX path building failed: Gradle eclipse PKIX path building failed:

If you are getting this error . While running the gradle build task from eclipse.
cacert might becorrupted.. which is there inside jdk/jre/lib

to change this copy or download the latest cacert from other system or internt.

create file and place it inside your .gradle home, which is configured in eclipse.\\Users\\ca-certs

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Getting Started with Spring Boot Application on Pivotal Cloud Foundry Platform On Windows Environment , Pivotal Webservice Console and Microservice

This Post will explain , how to Deploy Spring Boot Application on Pivotal Cloud Foundry Platform

Now a days Cloud Computing and Microservice have become very popular concept and almost all the organizations are investing and adapting it very fast. Currently there are only

few popular cloud providers in the market and Pivotal Cloud Foundry is one of them. It is a PaaS(Platform AS A Servcie) service where we can easily deploy and manage our

applications and the Cloud Foundry will take care of the rest of the cloud based offerings like scalability, high availability etc.

Today we will learn to deploy spring boot application in Pivotal cloud foundry platform called as Pivotal Web Services.

Step 1: What is Cloud Foundry?

Cloud Foundry is an open-source platform as a service (PaaS) that provides you with a choice of clouds, developer frameworks, and application services. It is open source and it is governed by the Cloud Foundry Foundation. The original Cloud Foundry was developed by VMware and currently it is managed by Pivotal

Step 2: Now we need to install Cloud Foundary on Windows

Step 3: Download Cloud Foundary Windows Installer using this link

Step 4: Unzip the file, From the place where you have saved the downloaded file.

Step 5: Double Click on the cf_installer.exe file and click on the next.. next buttons until it completes

Step 6: If you have successfully installed then you can check the CLI version or other details

Enter cf command prompt. It will give list of options which cf will accept.
c:/> cf vesion -  will give full CLI version details

Step 7: Now we need to be setup Pivotal Webservice Console (PWS)

Step 8: Provide necessary details and sign up the same.

Once sign up is completed, we can log into the Pivotal webservice console through the login screen of the pivotal web service console.

After providing login credentials successfully we will get into the cloud foundry console where we can see all the deployed applications, can monitor the applications and do many more activities. Here we need to add org and space etc...

Step 9: Once we have created org and space successfully.. now we need to deploy the spring boot application in PCF.

Step 10: Before that , Login in to PWS (Pivotal Webservice Console) using CLI

c:/> cf login -a

Provide username and password which is given , while registering the PWS.

same way we can use Logout
c:/> cf logout

Step 11: Now login and logout is working with out any issues.

Step 12: Now write simple spring boot application and run the same in locally.

If you want to write simple one follow the - which will create sample spring boot application for you and modify as per your requirment.

i have created one sample arthimetic operations spring boot application.. check in
my previous post for the same.

add the below code into under src\main\resources

server.contextPath = /
       = false

Step 13: Once we have completed the Spring boot application and executed successfully in local environment.

Now we need to push the same into Pivotal cloud Foundary.

Step 14: login into PWS using CLI c:/> cf login -a

Step 15: Go to where spring boot application is saved . Then push to PCF

F:\spring_boot_example\helloworld-springboot>cf push helloworld-springboot -p target\helloworld-springboot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Step 16: Now we have deployed spring boot application into Pivotal Cloud Foundary Successfully.

Step 17: Open the PWS console and check the details. whether pushed application through CLI is available or not in PWS console.

Step 18: Open the below links and you can see the output as follows.

Step 19: This is how we will implement spring boot application and we can deploy the same in Pivotal Cloud Foundary.

Thank you very much for viewing this post. if you like this please share the same
If you face any issues.. write a comment and you will get reply the same

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Getting started with Pivotal Gemfire On Windows

This post will explain you about , how to start pivotal Gemfire on Windows
Step 1: What is Gemfire?
In-Memory Data Grid powered by Apache Geode
Scale your data services on demand to support high-performance, real-time apps
you can check more info on Gemfire docs

Step 2: Download - pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0.tar.gz using Download Pivotal Gemfire
Step 3: Unzip the downloaded file and set the PATH in environement variables.
Step 4: check the version of the pivotal gemfire, which is available in your system gfsh version --full

Step 5: Now we need to create a locator - Go to the place which ever the location you want to create locator in command prompt.
Step 6:Start the gfsh.bat file from command prompt.
Step 7: start locator --name=test --J=-Dgemfire.http-service-port=8080 --J=-Dgemfire.http-service.bind-address=localhost or

gfsh>start locator --name=test --J=-Dgemfire.http-service-port=8080 --J=-Dgemfire.http-service-bind-address=LAPTOP-2U8NKC7I
Starting a Geode Locator in F:\softwares\CloudFoundary_apache_gemFire\pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0\bin\test...
Locator in F:\softwares\CloudFoundary_apache_gemFire\pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0\bin\test on LAPTOP-2U8NKC7I[10334] as test is currently online.
Process ID: 11740
Uptime: 3 seconds
Geode Version: 9.1.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_131
Log File: F:\softwares\CloudFoundary_apache_gemFire\pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0\bin\test\test.log
JVM Arguments: -Dgemfire.enable-cluster-configuration=true -Dgemfire.load-cluster-configuration-from-dir=false -Dgemfire.http-service-port=8080 -Dgemfire.http-service-bind-address=LAPTOP-2U8NKC7I -Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=9223372036854775806
Class-Path: F:\softwares\CloudFoundary_apache_gemFire\pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0\lib\geode-core-9.1.0.jar;F:\softwares\CloudFoundary_apache_gemFire\pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0\lib\geode-dependencies.jar

Successfully connected to: JMX Manager [host=LAPTOP-2U8NKC7I, port=1099]

Cluster configuration service is up and running.

gfsh>start pulse

Step 8: Open the start pulse
Step 9: Open the browser and enter port as 8080 -> http://laptop-2u8nkc7i:8080/pulse and provide username as admin and password as admin

Step 10 cluster details will display after successful login.

Thank you verymuch for viewing this post. If you like this post please write comment and share.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Getting started with Spring Boot deployed on Google Cloud. Maven, Google CloudSDK installation

This post will explain you. How to deploy springboot application on google cloud

Step 1: Open Open Google Cloud

Step 2: Login into google cloud.
Step 3: Register Cloud application with free trail - Cloud Application Registration

Step 4:Create a new Project -
Provide necessary details and signup the same.
Step 5: Now you are completed signup process . Spring boot application needs to be deployed.
Step 6: Create a maven java project with name - helloworld-springboot and below code to pom.xml file.


  Demo project for Spring Boot with google cloud







Step 7: Now we need to write controller class name

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class HelloworldApplication {
  public String home() {
    return "Hello World.. Welcome to Spring Boot.. which is deployed on Google cloud appengine!";

  @RequestMapping(value = "/add/{a}/{b}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public String add(@PathVariable("a") int a,@PathVariable("b") int b) {
    return "Addition of a["+a+"] and b ["+b+"]is   ======   " + (a+b) ;
  @RequestMapping(value = "/substract/{a}/{b}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public String substract(@PathVariable("a") int a,@PathVariable("b") int b) {
    return "Substract of a["+a+"] and b ["+b+"]is   ======   " + (a-b) ;
  @RequestMapping(value = "/multiply/{a}/{b}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public String multiply(@PathVariable("a") int a,@PathVariable("b") int b) {
    return "Multiply of a["+a+"] and b ["+b+"]is   ======   " + (a*b) ;
  @RequestMapping(value = "/division/{a}/{b}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public String division(@PathVariable("a") int a,@PathVariable("b") int b) {
    return "Division of a["+a+"] and b ["+b+"]is   ======   " + (a/b) ;

  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Step 8: Run the pom.xml file using mvn clean install
Step 9: Now we need to run the application. go to the directory , where jar created and run the
java -jar   
another way to execute the application is right click on the HelloWorldApplication Run As- JavaApplication.
Step 10: Once spring boot started successfully then go to browser and hit http://localhost:8080 .
you should get the -Hello World.. Welcome to Spring Boot.. which is deployed on Google cloud appengine!

Step 11: That is done. Now we need to deploy this application on google cloud.
Step 12: Install the Google Cloud SDK for windows version and set the PATH in environment variables.
Step 13: Go to the place where pom.xml file is there in command prompt.
gcloud config set project p7259000552 After this command
mvn appengine:deploy

Step 14: You will get Build Success message. So application has been deployed successfully.
Step 15: Verify, whether it has been deployed or not -
Step 16: This application will have simple math operations like add,sustarct,multiply,division if you click any of this links you will get appropriate results.

Thank you verymuch for viewing this post. If you like please share and comment.


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