Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Validate IP address using Java regex

Step 1. Write a java class with name ValidateIPAddress
Step 2. Write a regex pattern. Learn more about reg expression https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/regex/
public class ValidateIPAddress {
 private static final String PATTERN =
   "^([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\." +
   "([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\." +
   "([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\." +
 public static void main(String []args)
     //Pass input value has hard coded value or as a input parameter
            String IP = "";

Step 3. Description about regex

1. ^                   #line start
2. (                #  start of group 
3. [01]?\\d\\d?        # It can be one or two digits. If three digits appear, it must start either 0 or 1
4. |             # or
5. 2[0-4]\\d        # start with 2, follow by 0-4 and end with any digit (2[0-4][0-9])
6. |                   # or
7. 25[0-5]             # start with 2, follow by 5 and ends with 0-5 (25[0-5])
8. )             #  end of group #2
9. \.                  #  follow by a dot "."
10. ....               # repeat with 3 times (3x)
11. $             #end of the line
Step 4. Input 1. Hello.IP 2.
Step 5. Output 1. false 2.true

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Getting started with Apache Kafka on windows environment. Run kafka, zoookeeper on windows environment

This post will explain you about how to work with apache kafka on windows environment along with zookeeper and java.

Pre requesties
1. Download Java latest version and install the same.
Setup the path variables where our java is installed.
2.Download zookeeper latest version and install the same.
Setup the path variables where our zookeeper is installed.
3.Download apache kafka latest version( kafka_2.10- and install the same.

Zookeeper setup

1. Go to confdir, where we have installed our zookeeper.
2. Rename zoo_sample.cfg to zoo.cfg
3. Open zoo.cfg file
4. find dataDir=/tmp/zookeeper to C:\zookeeper-3.3.6\data

5. Setup path for zookeeper in Environment variables

6. Open the Environment variables- click the system variables C:\spark\zookeeper-3.3.6\bin
7. If we want we can change the default port no 2181 in zoo.cfg file
8. Run the Zookeeper from cmd prompt. execute zkserver command
9. We can see the below image after successful zookeeper started

Kafka setup and run kafka

1. Untar the same and go to kafka config directory
2. Look for server.properties and edit the same
3. Find the log.dirs=/tmp/kafka-logs to log.dirs= “C:\spark\kafka_2.10-\kafka-logs”
4. Now go to kafka installation directory – copy the installation path
5. Open the command prompt and go to kafka installation directory-
6. Execute the below command from the command prompt
.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties

7. Once everything fine then kafka server will start and display image as mentioned below

How to Create topics

1. Open command prompt and go to C:\spark\kafka_2.10-\bin\windows
2. Copy the below command and hit enter
kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic kafkatest

How to create producer
1. Open command prompt and go to C:\spark\kafka_2.10-\bin\windows
2. Copy the below command and hit enter
kafka-console-producer.bat –broker-list localhost:9092 --topic kafkatest 

How to create consumer
1. Open command prompt and go to C:\spark\kafka_2.10-\bin\windows
2. Copy the below command and hit enter
kafka-console-consumer.bat --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic kafkatest

Once Producer and consumer started then, we can start to post messages from producer and reflect in consumer.
How to replicate data from producer to consumer
1. Try to enter some data in producer window, the same data will be replicates in consumer window.

More useful commands

1. Listing all topics which we have created
kafka-topics.bat --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
2. describe about particular topic
kafka-topics.bat --list --zookeeper localhost:2181 
3. Read all messages from particular topic
kafka-console-consumer.bat --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic kafkatest --from-beginning 

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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Spark Closures, Broadcasting , Optimizing and Partitioning

This post will explain you about how to do Optimization in Spark and how to work with closures, Broadcasting and partitioning.

1. Closures
- It is standalone function, which contains at least one bound variable
var count = 0
   var list =  1 to 20
   list.foreach(x => {
    count +=1
    println(s"count is currently $count")
   println(s"Final count is $count") 

How to use Closures in our Spark?
1. Since Spark distributed so variable reference is could not cross node boundary’s.
So each partition will get it’s own copy of variables.
var count = 0
   val rdd = sc.makeRDD(1 to 20 , 10)
   rdd.foreach(x => {
     count +=1
println(s"count is currently $count")
println(s"Final count is $count") 

2. This happens in outside Driver . So final count will not be updated.
3. For this we will us built in methods
2. Broadcasting

val indexer =Map(…) //1MB - it will be distributed across clusters for each execution
rdd.flatMap(rddVal => indexer.get(rddVal))
a. Usually Map will distribute Simple 1MB data into multiple workers and store size will be 10 to 11 MB data
b. To avoid this we have broadcast variables into place
val indexer = sc.brodcast(Map(…)) //Map 1MB ; indexer<1MB rdd.flatMap(rddVal = >indexer.value.get(rddVal))
3. Optimizing Partitioning
a. Make RDD with lot of data with 10000 chunks
b. Then use the filter to drastically reduces the data set
c. Then we will do the some more transformations before calling the final collect.
sc.makeRDD(1 to Int.MaxValue,10000).filter(x=>x < 10).sortBy(x=>x).map(x=>x+1).collect
          sc.makeRDD(1 to Int.MaxValue,10000).filter(x=>x < 10).coalesce(8,true).sortBy(x=>x).map(x=>x+1).collect
We can check the jobs data using http://localhost:4040

How normal partition will work as how partition will work with coalesce

This is how spark advanced concepts will work.
Thank you very much for viewing this post.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Getting Started with Spark Libraries , Spark SQL,Spark Streaming,Spark MLlib, Spark GraphX

This post will explain you about spark built in libraries

- SQL – processing semi structured data , using the structured query to optimize the data
- Streaming- it is officially described enabling the processing live streams of the data
in scalable,fault tolerant manner.
The ability to switch between batch analysis and writing the streaming
- MLlib/GraphX- MLlib is used to machine learning more scalable and easy
- GraphX is more on data parallel and Graph parallel computation

Spark SQL

1. It works with the data with similar fashion with SQL
2. It goal is to meet SQL-92 standards

sqlContext.sql(“select * from SparkTable where SomeColumn==’someData’”)

3. But we can write the creative code let the engine use as much of data and storage structure as much as it can to optimize the result and distributed query behind the scene.
4. The main goal is developer not worry about distributed nature as much and focus on your business usecases.
5. As Spark continues to grow ,we want to enabler wider audiences beyond Big Data engineers to leverage the power of distributed processing

How we will compare Spark SQL with other competitors?

1. Apache Hive
- It very slow and require complex custom user defined functions.
- Simply to extends it’s functionality
- Unit testing is very difficult.
- If we are having already hive then we have mechanisms to use existing hive table structure into Spark SQL
- If we use Spark SQL it is 100 times faster when compare to Hive
2. Apache DRILL
- It is very new and focusing on the sql on Hadoop

3. Impala
- It is C++ established tool and it can beats spark in direct performance benchmark
4. Spark can work with many data sources.

Data Sources

1. Hive
- Spark SQL originated from product called shark
- Shark is very much hive on Spark and it is quite successful
- It is re written in decoupling the code and keeping the best parts and known as Spark SQL
- If want to Couple with Hive, then we need to copy hive-sev.xml file into spark home conf directory
- After this we will have automatically access to the hive administrator.
- Even it supports Hive UDF’s
- If we want to access existing table just load it by name.

3. Parquet
4. Avro
5. Amazon REDSHIFT
6. CSV

1. Optimizations
a. Predicate push down
b. Column pruning
2. Uniform API
3. Code generation == Performance gains

1. Optimizations
a. Predicate push down
b. Column pruning
2. Uniform API
3. Code generation == Performance gains

4. SQL --> RDD - ->SQL

a. New API makes Spark programmes more concise and easier to understand and at the same time exposes more application semantics to the engine.

Data Frames
1. There is unification across the languages and it is influenced by python pandas and R frameworks.

Python pandas
- sqlContext.createDataFrame(pandas)
- dataframe.toPandas()
- createDataFrame(sqlContext,RDataFrame)
- Collect(df)

2.Data frames are still experimental and it is available under SAPRK-6116
3. Even it is in experimental it is also called stable component
Spark SQL Demo
1. We can use sqlContext to work with Spark SQL.
Scala>  import sqlContext.implicits._
Implicits loaded in spark 1.3 onwards
How to create class using sqlContext in Scala?
Scala> case class Company(name: String,employeeCount:Int , isPublic:Boolean)
//create list of employees data for company class

Scala> val companies = List(Company(“IBM”,25000,true), Company(“TCS”,27000,true), Company(“INFOSYS”,50000,true), Company(“Oracle”,125000,true), Company(“Cognizant”,225000,true) ,Company(“Siva Inc”,125,false))

Create a DataFrame using toDF method
Scala>   val companiesDF = companies.toDF
scala> val companiesDF = sqlContext.CreateDataFrame(companies)

Display the results first 20 rows

Scala>  companiesDF.show

How to Load the data from the source?

Place this json file in your local system and name it as companies.json
{"employeeCount" : 10000, "isPublic": true, "name" : "Amazon"}
{"employeeCount" : 1201, "isPublic" : false, "name" : "ABC Inc"}
{"employeeCount" : 1201, "isPublic" : true, "name" : "ICIC"}
{"employeeCount" : 120000, "isPublic" : true, "name" : "NetFlix"}
{"employeeCount" : 220001, "isPublic" : true, "name" : "Spark"}

val  companiesJsonDF = sqlContext.read.json(“file:///c:/spark/Companies.json”)
we can load the data using format method
val  companiesJsonDF = sqlContext.read.format(“json”).load(“file:///c:/spark/Companies.json”)

Print the schema
val allCompaniesDF = companiesDF.unionAll(companiesJsonDF)

we will get error, since companiesDF and companiesJsonDF schema is in different alignment order.
We can cast the required columns with the select.
Val companiesJsonIntDF = companiesJsonDF.select($”name”,$”employeeCount”.cast(“int”).as(“employeeCount”),$”isPublic”)
If we use unionAll then both Data frames will be combined.
val allCompaniesDF = companiesDF.unionAll(companiesJsonDF)
How to access union data in java
Filter condition using where clause

How to use in Java

allCompaniesDF.where(allCompaniesDF .col($”employeeCount”). gt 100000)).show
How to save the data


we can write the same as providing format, how we have read the file same

How to import the ROW
Import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
How to convert data into row.
How to retrieve column values

How to register the table to run the sql like statements.
- We can use hql also for hive tables.
sql “SELECT * from Companies”
Sql(“SELECT AVG(employeeCount) AS AverageEmpCount FROM Companies GROUP BY isPublic”).show
How to cache tables
Sql(“CACHE TABLE Companies”)

Spark Streaming
1. It is for streaming the data.
2. It is very popular library and it takes up the spark big data processing power and crunch up the speed.
3. It has the ability to stream GiGa byte data in sec.
4. It will steam the real time data as much fast as it can
5. It can have exactly one transformation schematics’ and failure recovery time as in matter of sec or 2 secs.
6. Due to 1 transformation the transformation output can’t be duplicated.
7. The transformation method itself will execute multiple times on failure.


1. Apache STORM
1. Spark streaming is 40 times faster compare to STROM
2. In Storm data can be duplicated.
3. Spark is complete package we can inter mixed concepts without learning a new framework
4. STORM is true streaming framework. It will process item one by one as it arrives
5. SPARK process the incoming data as a small deterministic batch jobs. This is called micro batching.

Source of data to be stream

1. Kafka
2. Twitter
3. Flume
a. Once we picked the Source then it will flow into Spark Streaming receiver. Where we have one receiver per one stream.
b. Behind the scene Streaming incoming data store into series of RDDS with specified windows of time.
c. Then each time window it will passed to spark core and it will process as normal.
d. So our stream becomes series of RDDS.
e. Here we have two points of Spark processing one is Receiver and one worker

Spark Streaming DEMO

This demo will explain how to process the tweets data which is mentioned in hash tags
1. First we need to get access for twitter API.
2. Go to https://apps.twitter.com
3. Please refer my previous posts, how to create app in twitter.
4. Provide key details in build.sbt file.
5. Write a program to retrieve the tweets data and process the same

1. This is very complex library. Since it is having complex algorithms.
Competitors for MLlib
2. R
These are easy to use and fairly scalable.
On the other hand we are having
3. mahout and
4. GraphLab
 These are more scalable and cost of use.
 It was Started by MATLABS and driven by ML stack
 It was a three form approach to make machine learning easy and scalable
 ML Optimizer and MLI were used for machine learning pipe lines and algorithm development.
 MLlib was the production implementation , that came from ML Optimizer and MLI
 Spark MLlib implementation as assumed most of this stack, with mllib has original based RDD algorithms reside.
 And ML name space contains high level pipe line API built on top of Data Frames. Which has taken from ML Optimizer


 These ML pipelines officially introduced into the Spark 1.2 as attempt to simplified machine learning.
 In machine learning flow and loading the data , extracting features , training the data and testing the data.
1. Algorithms
1. Classification
2. Regression
3. Collaborative Filtering
4. Clustering
5. Dimensional Reduction
2. Feature Extraction and Transformation
3. Uses of these algorithms
1. SPAM filtering
2. FRUD Alert
3. Recommendation
4. Determine the information on clusters
5. Speech Recognition


1. It is a library that brings table structure into grapgh like structure. Like social networking.
2. It is used for data parallel and Graph parallel
3. GraphX works RDD behind the scene. Just drawing the data in graph optimized data structure.
4. The execution run through this parallel pattern for each node computation depends on each of it’s neighbours.
5. This focus on graph specialization with some impressive performance gain.
1. Try to run graphs on Hadoop is very complex.
2. Apache GIRAPH is another competitor but it is slow compare to Graphx while running the page rank algorithm
3. Graph Lab is 33% slower than Graphx
What kind of things we can do using GrpahX?
1. Web itself is joint graph
2. Algorithm for website rendering.(google and Wikipedia)
3. Social network data analysis using Social Graphs available.
4. Graphs available for product valuation in websites like amazon and NETFLIX
5. We can use our technological power to advance science to research generic analysis

1. Data will be referred as vertex with vertex id vertex Type
2. Again Vertex id referred as Long

Edge will be described with vertex Id type of along with edge type

Then we will have Vertex and Edge, then we can build graph like below.
1. Graph(VType,EType)
2. Graph(RDD[Vertex],RDD[Edge])
Edge Triplet-
Grapghx will expose through object known as EdgeTriplet and it is having all the information about each connection
This will provide us on Graph complete view more reasonable understanding.

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