Showing posts with label python eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label python eclipse. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2015

ArithmeticOperations Example using Python

Arithmetic operation using python in windows.
In my previous post , I have written how to install python in windows and add plugin into eclipse.

In this post I am going to explain simple arithmetic operations.

Step 1: Open eclipse - File - New - PyDev Project - arithmeticoperation_test
Step 2: Right click on the - src - New- PyDevModule- ArithmeticOperation
Step 3:Paste below code into file.

Created on 07-Dec-2015

@author: rajusiva

a = input("Enter a value:")
b = input("Enter b value:")
print("Addition of 2 values is[",int(a)+int(b),"]")
print("subtract of 2 values is[",int(a)-int(b),"]")
print("Multiply of 2 values is[",int(a)*int(b),"]")
print("Division of 2 values is[",int(a)/int(b),"]")
print("Exponent of 2 values is[",int(a)**int(b),"]")
print("Modules of 2 values is[",int(a)%int(b),"]")
print("Floor Division of 2 values is[",int(a)//int(b),"]")

Step 4: Right click on the program-Run As- Python Run
Step 5: output as follows

Enter a value:25
Enter b value:10
Addition of 2 values is[ 35 ]
subtract of 2 values is[ 15 ]
Multiply of 2 values is[ 250 ]
Division of 2 values is[ 2.5 ]
Exponent of 2 values is[ 95367431640625 ]
Modules of 2 values is[ 5 ]
Floor Division of 2 values is[ 2 ]


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