This is the simple way to create executable jar file.
Step 1 : create folder inside your respective directory [Ex: c:/simple_java/src>]
Step 2 : create java file/files under this project[Package name is optional]
Ex: ,
under com.siva pacakage
Ex: c:/simple_java/src/com/siva>
compile : c:/simple_java/src>javac com/siva/*.java
Step 3 : create one MANIFEST.MF or manifest.txt
under src folder.[this file can be created any place in your computer]
Ex: c:/>simple_java/src/manifest.txt
We need to mention the main class details.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: com.siva.HelloWorld
Step 4 : Now we need to create the executable jar file with the following command
c:/simple_java/src>jar cvfm simple_java.jar manifest.txt com/siva/*.class
Step 5: Run the executable jar file
c:/simple_java/src>java -jar simple_java.jar
Simple ANT build.xml- which used to compile , run and create the executable jar file which includes manifest file.
Before Starting with build.xml- We need to know What is ANT(Another Neat Tool]. Used for to build the application.
setting the ANT in our system.
Step 1: Down load the latest code from the ANT site .[Prefer to download the .ZIP file]
Step 2: Unzip the Downloaded file, Then set the path.
Setting the Path
Right Click on My Computer ->Properties ->Advanced-> Environment Variables-> System variables -> select Path -> Edit ->give semicolon(;) end of the path value-> paste the ant location upto bin
Step 4: Create java programs related to your purpose.
Step 5: create build.xml file, then write the code inside build.xml, for
compilation, creating executable jar file the application.
Step 6: Run the build.xml-> by using the ant command