Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Getting started with Generative AI prompt engineer Step By Step Guide

 Generative AI prompt engineering involves crafting effective prompts to elicit desired responses from generative models.

Whether you're working with any models, the key is to provide clear and specific instructions. Here's a step-by-step guide to get started:

  1. Understand the Model's Capabilities:

    • Familiarize yourself with the capabilities and limitations of the generative model you're using. Understand the types of tasks it can perform and the formats it accepts.
  2. Define Your Goal:

    • Clearly define the goal of your prompt. Are you looking for creative writing, programming code, problem-solving, or something else? The specificity of your goal will guide your prompt creation.
  3. Start with a Clear Instruction:

    • Begin your prompt with a clear and concise instruction. Be specific about the type of output you're expecting. For example, if you want a creative story, you might start with "Write a short story about..."
  4. Provide Context or Constraints:

    • If necessary, provide additional context or constraints to guide the model. This can include setting, characters, tone, or any specific requirements. Constraints help to narrow down the output and make it more relevant to your needs.
  5. Experiment with Temperature and Max Tokens:

    • Generative models often come with parameters like "temperature" and "max tokens." Temperature controls the randomness of the output, and max tokens limit the length of the response. Experiment with these parameters to fine-tune the model's behavior.
  6. Iterate and Refine:

    • Don't be afraid to iterate and refine your prompts. Experiment with different instructions, wording, and structures to achieve the desired output. Analyze the model's responses and adjust your prompts accordingly.
  7. Use System and User Messages:

    • For interactive conversations with the model, you can use both system and user messages. System messages set the behavior of the assistant, while user messages simulate the user's input. This can be useful for multi-turn interactions.
  8. Handle Ambiguity:

    • If your prompt is ambiguous, the model might produce unexpected or undesired results. Clarify your instructions to reduce ambiguity and improve the likelihood of getting the desired output.
  9. Consider Prompt Engineering Libraries:

    • Some platforms provide prompt engineering libraries that simplify the process of crafting effective prompts. For example, OpenAI's Playground or other third-party libraries may offer useful tools and examples.
  10. Stay Ethical:

    • Be mindful of ethical considerations when generating content. Avoid prompts that may lead to harmful or inappropriate outputs. Review and filter the generated content to ensure it aligns with ethical guidelines.

Prompt engineering often involves a trial-and-error process. As you experiment and become familiar with the model's behavior, you'll improve your ability to craft effective prompts for generative AI.

Friday, December 8, 2023

API rate limiting strategies for Spring Boot applications


API Rate Limiting

 Rate limiting is a strategy to limit access to APIs. 

 It restricts the number of API calls that a client can make within a certain time frame. 

 This helps defend the API against overuse, both unintentional and malicious.

API rate limiting is crucial for maintaining the performance, stability, and security of Spring Boot applications. Here are several rate limiting strategies you can employ:

1. Fixed Window Counter:

In this strategy, you set a fixed window of time (e.g., 1 minute), and you allow a fixed number of requests within that window. If a client exceeds the limit, further requests are rejected until the window resets. This approach is simple but can be prone to bursts of traffic.

2. Sliding Window Counter:

A sliding window counter tracks the number of requests within a moving window of time. This allows for a more fine-grained rate limiting mechanism that considers recent activity. You can implement this using a data structure like a sliding window or a queue to track request timestamps.

3. Token Bucket Algorithm:

The token bucket algorithm issues tokens at a fixed rate. Each token represents permission to make one request. Clients consume tokens for each request, and requests are only allowed if there are available tokens. Google's Guava library provides a RateLimiter class that implements this algorithm.

4. Leaky Bucket Algorithm:

Similar to the token bucket, the leaky bucket algorithm releases tokens at a constant rate. However, in the leaky bucket, the bucket has a leak, allowing it to empty at a constant rate. Requests are processed as long as there are tokens available. This strategy can help smooth out bursts of traffic.

5. Distributed Rate Limiting with Redis or Memcached:

If your Spring Boot application is distributed, you can use a distributed caching system like Redis or Memcached to store and share rate limiting information among different instances of your application.

6. Spring Cloud Gateway Rate Limiting:

If you're using Spring Cloud Gateway, it provides built-in support for rate limiting. You can configure rate limiting policies based on various criteria such as the number of requests per second, per user, or per IP address.

7. User-based Rate Limiting:

Instead of limiting based on the number of requests, you can implement rate limiting on a per-user basis. This is useful for scenarios where different users may have different rate limits based on their subscription level or user type.

8. Adaptive Rate Limiting:

Implement adaptive rate limiting that dynamically adjusts rate limits based on factors such as server load, response times, or the health of the application. This approach can help handle variations in traffic.

9.Response Code-based Rate Limiting:

Consider rate limiting based on response codes. For example, if a client is generating a high rate of error responses, you might want to impose stricter rate limits on that client.

10. API Key-based Rate Limiting:

Tie rate limits to API keys, allowing you to set different limits for different clients or users. This approach is common in scenarios where you have third-party developers using your API.


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