This post will explain you about , how to start pivotal Gemfire on Windows
Step 1: What is Gemfire?
In-Memory Data Grid powered by Apache Geode
Scale your data services on demand to support high-performance, real-time apps
you can check more info on Gemfire docs
Step 2: Download - pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0.tar.gz using Download Pivotal Gemfire
Step 3: Unzip the downloaded file and set the PATH in environement variables.
Step 4: check the version of the pivotal gemfire, which is available in your system gfsh version --full

Step 5: Now we need to create a locator - Go to the place which ever the location you want to create locator in command prompt.
Step 6:Start the gfsh.bat file from command prompt.
Step 7: start locator --name=test --J=-Dgemfire.http-service-port=8080 --J=-Dgemfire.http-service.bind-address=localhost or
gfsh>start locator --name=test --J=-Dgemfire.http-service-port=8080 --J=-Dgemfire.http-service-bind-address=LAPTOP-2U8NKC7I
Starting a Geode Locator in F:\softwares\CloudFoundary_apache_gemFire\pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0\bin\test...
Locator in F:\softwares\CloudFoundary_apache_gemFire\pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0\bin\test on LAPTOP-2U8NKC7I[10334] as test is currently online.
Process ID: 11740
Uptime: 3 seconds
Geode Version: 9.1.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_131
Log File: F:\softwares\CloudFoundary_apache_gemFire\pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0\bin\test\test.log
JVM Arguments: -Dgemfire.enable-cluster-configuration=true -Dgemfire.load-cluster-configuration-from-dir=false -Dgemfire.http-service-port=8080 -Dgemfire.http-service-bind-address=LAPTOP-2U8NKC7I -Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=9223372036854775806
Class-Path: F:\softwares\CloudFoundary_apache_gemFire\pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0\lib\geode-core-9.1.0.jar;F:\softwares\CloudFoundary_apache_gemFire\pivotal-gemfire-9.1.0\lib\geode-dependencies.jar
Successfully connected to: JMX Manager [host=LAPTOP-2U8NKC7I, port=1099]
Cluster configuration service is up and running.
gfsh>start pulse

Step 8: Open the start pulse
Step 9: Open the browser and enter port as 8080 -> http://laptop-2u8nkc7i:8080/pulse and provide username as admin and password as admin

Step 10 cluster details will display after successful login.

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