This Post will having the details to create stored procedure in oracle and parsing the clob data through stored procedure.
employee.xml -------------Above xml will be stored as clob data in Person tablesiva 32 M
Person table Schema -
Name Varchar2(50),
employee_details clob
Above xml will be stored as clob data in Person table
create table PERSON (Id NUMBER, Name varchar2(50), employee_details clob); create table EMPLOYEE (Name varchar2(50), age NUMBER ,sex varchar2(10));We need to parse the clob data using oracle procedure
create or replace PROCEDURE SP_PARSE_CLOB (person_id NUMBER) AS PERSION_ID; PERSON_NAME; EMPLOYEE_DETAILS Person.employee_details%type; name varchar2(50); age varchar2(50); sex varchar2(50); EMPLOYEE_exc EXCEPTION; -- Create a cursor cursor personDataCursor IS SELECT id, Name,employee_details from PERSON; BEGIN OPEN personDataCursor; LOOP FETCH personDataCursor into PERSION_ID,PERSON_NAME,EMPLOYEE_DETAILS; EXIT WHEN personDataCursor%notfound; IF XMLTYPE(EMPLOYEE_DETAILS).existSNode('/Employee/name/text()') > 0 THEN name := XMLTYPE(EMPLOYEE_DETAILS).extract('/Employee/name/text()').getStringVal(); END IF; IF XMLTYPE(EMPLOYEE_DETAILS).existSNode('/Employee/age/text()') > 0 THEN age := XMLTYPE(EMPLOYEE_DETAILS).extract('/Employee/age/text()').getStringVal(); END IF; IF XMLTYPE(EMPLOYEE_DETAILS).existSNode('/Employee/sex/text()') > 0 THEN sex := XMLTYPE(EMPLOYEE_DETAILS).extract('/Employee/sex/text()').getStringVal(); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Name:'|| name|| ' ' || 'Age:' || ' ' ||age || ' ' || 'Sex:' || ' ' || sex); -- Inset into another table BEGIN insert into EMPLOYEE(name,age,sex) values(name,age,sex); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EMPLOYEE_exc; END; commit; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN EMPLOYEE_exc THEN rollback; -- Do what ever you want like insert log details in any another table commit; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Insertion failed in EMPLOYEE : '|| '' || name); END;