Monday, December 7, 2015

ArithmeticOperations Example using Python

Arithmetic operation using python in windows.
In my previous post , I have written how to install python in windows and add plugin into eclipse.

In this post I am going to explain simple arithmetic operations.

Step 1: Open eclipse - File - New - PyDev Project - arithmeticoperation_test
Step 2: Right click on the - src - New- PyDevModule- ArithmeticOperation
Step 3:Paste below code into file.

Created on 07-Dec-2015

@author: rajusiva

a = input("Enter a value:")
b = input("Enter b value:")
print("Addition of 2 values is[",int(a)+int(b),"]")
print("subtract of 2 values is[",int(a)-int(b),"]")
print("Multiply of 2 values is[",int(a)*int(b),"]")
print("Division of 2 values is[",int(a)/int(b),"]")
print("Exponent of 2 values is[",int(a)**int(b),"]")
print("Modules of 2 values is[",int(a)%int(b),"]")
print("Floor Division of 2 values is[",int(a)//int(b),"]")

Step 4: Right click on the program-Run As- Python Run
Step 5: output as follows

Enter a value:25
Enter b value:10
Addition of 2 values is[ 35 ]
subtract of 2 values is[ 15 ]
Multiply of 2 values is[ 250 ]
Division of 2 values is[ 2.5 ]
Exponent of 2 values is[ 95367431640625 ]
Modules of 2 values is[ 5 ]
Floor Division of 2 values is[ 2 ]

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